Everyone is a Math Person: Yes, Even You!

By Dr. Sherri Lorton and Constance Hallemeier How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m just not a math person “ or “I’m not good at math”? Maybe you’ve even said it yourself. But what if we told you that’s a myth? Research shows that mathematical ability isn’t innate–it’s developed. Mathematics isn’t about being…

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Coaching with Heart (and a Side of Chocolate)

By Dr. Stephanie Brenner If you have spent time as an instructional coach, you have probably found yourself in moments that go far beyond lesson plans, data analysis, or pedagogy. One minute, you were discussing a lesson, and the next, you were comforting a teacher whose eyes welled up with tears. In those moments, you…

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Mid-Year Momentum: Reenergizing School Leaders for Success

By Dr. Bridgett Niedringhaus So, it’s that time of year when we are coming off a high…  Christmas break and New Year’s celebrations, and for some of us, especially in the Midwest, we got an extra week of vacation due to snow.  As an administrator, you reflect on what was accomplished during the first semester…

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